I am brand new to this site, having found it while trying to research my ancestors. My great grandmother was named Rosson, Rosin, or something like that. Little else is known of her except that she was a "Belfast Orangewoman", born in Belfast in the 19th century and came to the US and settled down here. I have been unable to find out anything about the name Rosson until today. So glad to have found your site

! I would like to know what nationality Rosson is - I see you have a poll about the origins, which suggests to me that it may not be a clear cut issue. Does anyone know what the consensus is about the national origin of this name? I am 1/8th Rosson and would like to know more about them. I have tried in the past to find an origin for it - usually I came up with Scandanavian or German origins, probably cause it was often spelled Rossen, Rosen, Rosson, etc. Can anyone help me solve this family mystery? I would greatly appreciate any and all info you could give me